
Joint Statement

At the start of every varsity fixture, all participating students will collectively take the knee. This action serves the purpose of shedding light on the ongoing struggle for racial equality and ensuring continued attention on the pervasive issues of racism in both sports and broader society. Our gesture underscores the imperative for increased equality and inclusion, emphasising that racism persists despite progress.

Aligned with the approach of the Premier League, who have opted to strategically incorporate moments throughout the season to take the knee, we too stand against racism and this gesture is done at varsity to symbolise our collective stance against all forms of racism. Through this initiative, we reaffirm our solidarity with a shared commitment to combating discrimination.

Taking the knee forms an integral part of this Tell Your Story campaign aimed at fostering a more just and inclusive environment for all individuals, providing REM students (racially and ethnically marginalised students) the opportunity to voice their lived experiences free from fear of judgment or exclusion.

Signed by:
Toni Abiodun – Vice-President Student Engagement at Kent Students’ Union
Max Elvin – President (Engagement and Sports) at Christ Church Students’ Union